Tips for Success
A few suggestions for making the most of the TDP.
The TDP is flexible and can be completed in many different ways, on many different schedules. Whether you’re brand new to the program or returning to it after a while, we have some advice for moving ahead towards track completion.
Make a Plan for the Semester
Take a look at the Event Finder to find out what’s being offered this semester that counts for the TDP. If you haven’t completed the required Essentials of Teaching and Learning series and it fits into your schedule, sign up for those. If you’ve completed them or they don’t fit your schedule, register for any pedagogy workshops or other programs in the Event Finder that interest you.
Are you teaching this semester? If so, consider signing up for a Teaching Observation. or Mid-Course Review, both of which fulfill the TDP Application and Practice requirement. If you aren’t teaching this semester, that requirement is also satisfied by participating in a Practice Teaching (Microteaching) session.
Another way to make progress in the TDP beyond attending workshops and being observed is to create, refine, and annotate the two required artifacts for the Preparing to Teach module. There’s guidance for this in CTL’s optional Orientation to Teaching course, online and available anytime.
CTL staff is always happy to consult with you to help you make a plan to move through the TDP that best fits your circumstance. Drop by office hours or request an individual consultation if you have scheduling conflicts with office hours.
Reflect early
After attending a pedagogy workshop or completing a Peer Feedback session, TDP participants are required to complete written reflections in order to receive program credit. We recommend that you write and upload each reflection as soon as possible – and no later than one week following your completion of a given session. It will be quicker and easier to write the reflection when the event is fresh in your memory, and timely reflection is more likely to produce substantive and actionable takeaways for your teaching practice.
See Reflection Guidelines for additional tips and resources for producing strong reflections, including rubrics and examples.
Start thinking long-term.
All TDP participants enter the Program on the Foundational Track. If you anticipate switching to the Advanced Track, create a plan for when you might make that switch. Consider factors like your current year in your program, your expected graduation date, and your present and/or future teaching assignments.
If you think you might pursue the Advanced Track, register for a Teaching Observation as soon as possible: being observed teaching (and obtaining feedback from a trained peer) is an option for satisfying Foundational Track requirements and is required to complete the Advanced Track. While ideally you would satisfy this requirement when you have a TA or other instructional assignment, there are options for completing this module even if you aren’t currently teaching; for example, you might be observed delivering a guest lecture, or leading a workshop in your department.
Finally, consider how this program can you help you prepare key teaching materials for the job market. Scan CTL’s Approaching the Job Market resource to find modules and live sessions that can help you prepare. Even if the job market is a few years away for you, beginning this prep work early will ensure that you have both the materials and the experience that you need for a strong teaching profile.
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The CTL is here to help as you work through the TDP. Email us anytime.
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