Exiting the TDP

Here’s how to finish up and get credit.

Wrapping up?

If you are nearing completion of a TDP track, let us be the first to congratulate you! You have carried through with a systematic and sustained exploration of pedagogy that makes you a considerably stronger and more effective teacher, and will continue to benefit you, your future students, and your future employers. After certifying your completion of a track, CTL will coordinate with the University Registrar on your transcript notation. You can finish a track and exit the TDP program at any point while you are in your graduate program at Columbia.

Important steps at the finish line

  • Double check that you have met program requirements by comparing the TDP Overview to your submitted materials.
  • If you are graduating in the near future, keep an eye on the track completion deadline for your graduation date. Upcoming deadlines:
    • February 2025 degree conferral: Advanced Track: Jan. 1; Foundational Track Jan. 15
    • May 2025 degree conferral: Advanced Track: May. 1; Foundational Track May 8
    • October 2025 degree conferral: Advanced Track: Sept. 15; Foundational Track Oct. 1

If you are completing the Foundational Track

  • Are you interested in moving onto the Advanced Track? If so, you don’t need to complete the Foundational Track capstone and you will not exit out of the TDP. Instead, you will submit a request to switch tracks.
  • If you are exiting out of the TDP with Foundational Track certification, make sure you complete the Foundational Track capstone and then submit the TDP Exit Form. CTL will review your work and certify your completion.

If you are completing the Advanced Track

  • Make sure your Teaching Portfolio is complete and ready to review at your exit interview with CTL.
  • Complete your Advanced Track Capstone Reflection reflection prior to the exit interview.
  • Set up the interview by filling out the TDP Exit Form. You will be able to indicate times when you are available for your exit interview.
  • After the interview, CTL will review your work and certify your completion.



Signal completion

The TDP Exit form alerts CTL that you’ve completed your track and are ready to exit the program.

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