TDP Support Offerings

Ways that CTL can help you plan and achieve TDP track completion

We’re here to help!

CTL offers many live and on-demand resources geared to helping you move through the TDP and complete a track before graduating. Here’s a roundup.

On this page

TDP Co-Working Sessions

TDP co-working sessions are opportunities to focus on completing requirements in a relaxed and supportive community of TDP participants. Note that while co-working sessions facilitate the completion of TDP requirements, they do not count as Pedagogy Workshops. For upcoming offerings that do, see the TDP Event Finder.

Spring 2025

Preparing to Teaching Materials Prep Bootcamp | Register
Wednesday, May 14 10:10 am – 12:00 pm, 212 Butler Library

In order to successfully complete the TDP, participants need to generate and annotate two important documents: a policy sheet and first day plan. The TDP Preparing to Teach: Material Prep Bootcamp is designed to help participants create these documents for the Preparing to Teach assignment, which is required for the completion of the TDP Foundational Track. Though this session will be particularly useful for folks accepted to the 2025 TDP Sprint, any participant in the TDP is welcome to register and join.

TDP Sprint

TDP Sprints provide  a full set of programming needed to complete the Foundational Track in four action-packed days.

Summer 2025

2025 TDP Sprint 
May 27, 28, 29, and 30 | 9:30 am – 4:00 pm each day | 203 Butler Library
Applications will be accepted April 21 – May 5

The TDP Sprint offers access to the full range of Essentials Workshops, Pedagogy Workshops, and Practice Teaching (Microteaching) sessions necessary to complete the Foundational Track, as well as time to post reflections along the way. Participants move through these requirements together with table-mates, experiencing a concentrated and collective TDP experience. Refreshments and lunches are provided. At the culmination of the Sprint, participants decide whether to exit with Foundational Track credit or switch onto the Advanced Track. While the Sprint schedule is subject to change, you can browse the 2024 Sprint schedule to get a sense of this program.

Due to space and resource limitations, the TDP Sprint is accessed by application. Priority will be given to applicants who can commit to full in-person participation across the four days. We encourage applications from current doctoral and MFA students who are are new to the TDP or have not been otherwise able to complete many requirements during the academic year. The Sprint is also well-suited for students preparing for teaching assignments and/or CTL Fellowships. Please send inquiries about the upcoming TDP Sprint to

On-demand TDP Completion Support

For everyone unable to attend live, in-person events, CTL makes a number of asynchronous resources available anytime that help with TDP track completion.

Planning your progress through the TDP

Extra support for required components of the TDP

Individual consultations

If you would like to get specific assistance or get targeted advice for TDP completion, CTL invites you to drop by our CTLgrads Office Hours, running during the academic year every Friday from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. You are welcome to drop by 212 Butler Library without pre-arranging an appointment. Or, if you prefer to talk to us via Zoom, email to get the Zoom link.

If other commitments prevent you from attending Office Hours, we invite you to request an individual consultation at another time.

Sample timelines

Guidance for completing the Foundational Track in as little as one year, or completing the Advanced Track over three years.

Planning Sheet

This handout offers a snapshot of TDP requirements and can help you plan your way through them.

Contact Us

The CTL is here to help as you work through the TDP. Email us anytime.

Get Advice

Request an individual consultation to discuss your TDP progress.

Find Answers

Get detailed answers to many of our frequently asked questions.

Attend Sessions

Find and register for offerings that count for the TDP

Visit Us

Drop in for a visit as we’re available both online and in-person.