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Welcome to the TDP

CTL’s Teaching Development Program (TDP) helps Columbia PhD and MFA students cultivate, document, and reflect on the development of their teaching across the arc of their graduate school career.

A video tour of the TDP

Want a quick introduction to the TDP and what it can do for you? Here’s a quick overview!

About the Program

The TDP offers you a structured yet flexible way to pursue teaching development while you are at Columbia. Benefits of completion include cultivation of effective and innovative teaching practices, strong preparation for representing your teaching to future employers, and certification in the form of transcript notation.

What counts for the TDP?

The TDP allows you to choose from a great array of CTL and graduate student-led programming fulfilling requirements for track completion. Browse the TDP Event Finder to find and register for this semester’s offerings.

Stay on Track

You are fitting teaching development in with many other academic and personal demands over the course of many years. Here are ways to make and sustain progress towards accomplishing a defined set of values and competencies, which you then can present to future students, colleagues, and employers.

Build a portfolio

TDP participants on the Advanced Track create digital portfolios that bring their teaching experiences and values to life in compelling ways. Find out what’s involved and see some examples!

TDP Success Stories

“Every job interview that I’ve had this year has asked some version of this question: What defines you as a teacher? It’s because of my experiences in the TDP that I feel like I have a compelling and articulate response.”

“The Teaching Development Program has impacted my own teaching practices in two broad, intertwined ways: in the immediate sense of informing the class I’m teaching and more long term in how I present myself on the job market.”

“The TDP has profoundly impacted my perspective on teaching. In the end, teaching is a responsibility that we owe our community, and I’ve found this program, and the time I’ve taken in reflection, to be transformative in how I approach pedagogy.”

Contact Us

The CTL is here to help as you work through the TDP. Email us anytime.

Get Advice

Request an individual consultation to discuss your TDP progress.

Find Answers

Get quick answers to frequently asked questions.

Attend Sessions

Find and register for offerings that count for the TDP

Visit Us

Office hours for grad students are available in-person and online. Drop by for TDP help!